• Message from the President
    Through the collaboration with the University of Adelaide, we are confident to provide strong support for students to develop cross-cultural communication skills, interdisciplinary integration skills, logical thinking and innovative practical skills, as well as excellent leadership skills, laying a solid foundation for their future.
  • Message from the President
    To all the students at Haide College, I wish you the very best for your studies. I hope you are enjoying and progressing well with your chosen degree. I look forward very much to welcoming you to Adelaide, here in Australia in the future.
  • Message from the Secretary
    Our college strives to cultivate innovative, interdisciplinary and competitive talents with international vision and ability to participate in international affairs by combining the educational advantages of China and Australia.
  • Message from the Dean
    Ocean embraces all streams, and human embraces virtues. Life is limited, but knowledge is unlimited. Dear young students of Haide, you are like the sun at eight or nine in the morning, and our hope is placed on you.