The first batch of Haide College“ 3+2” students enrolled at the University of Adelaide, Australia


Release time:2023-09-18

Number of views:61

In July, students from Haide College to study in Australia in 2023 arrived in Australia, as the first batch of students from the College's “ 3+2” program and the second batch of “2+2 ”program, to start a new journey of studying abroad at the University of Adelaide.



Intimate guidance for safe study abroad


Focusing on the goal of international talent training, Haide College regularly carries out international education lectures, study abroad program Q&A and other activities, closely follows the working time of students to study abroad, and provides continuous online services for students. Through the pre-trip guidance meeting, the Safe Study Abroad pre-trip training meeting, the farewell party for students to Australia and other activities, to help students understand the relevant requirements and procedures of studying abroad, master the knowledge and skills of personal safety and health protection, improve safety awareness and self-protection ability, and cultivate the mind of accepting all rivers and the style of taking the long way. A series of pre-trip guidance activities not only provide students with necessary information and help, but also convey the care and blessing of Haide College for every student, so that students feel that leaving the school is not centrifugal, not separated by the sea.


Full of expectations to go to a university


As the first batch of  3+2 project and the second batch of 2+2  project students, the University of Adelaide attaches great importance to and gives a full range of thoughtful services. Since July 12, the students have been arriving in Adelaide. The teacher in charge of the program has paid close attention to the students' schedule, arranged the airport pick-up with enthusiasm and thoughtful, and helped the students to settle into the apartment smoothly. Wang Anqi, the first batch of  2+2  students in the college, led the students to familiarize themselves with the Adelaide urban environment, assisted in opening bank accounts, handling phone cards, purchasing daily supplies, etc., and helped the students adapt to the new environment as soon as possible and integrate into Australian university life.



Learn to set sail in the world


On July 20, the students attended the welcome party for Haide College students to study in Australia in 2023 held by the University of Adelaide. The reception was chaired by Associate Professor Ding Boyin, Academic Director of Haide College, University of Adelaide. Dr Jessica Gallagher, Vice-Chancellor (Outreach) of the University of Adelaide, warmly welcomed the students to study in Australia in 2023. Associate Professor Braden Phillips, Deputy Head of the Department of Science, Engineering and Technology at the University of Adelaide, encouraged students to continue to study hard, improve their abilities and enjoy life at the University of Adelaide; Wang Anqi, one of the first 2+2 students of the College, also shared his experience of studying and living in the University of Adelaide with the new students. The students asked for tips on study and life, and discussed the future research path and employment direction. The atmosphere was lively and the discussion was heated.


From July 30 to August 1, Wang Min, Dean of Haide College, led a delegation to visit the University of Adelaide. The delegation visited the  3+2and 2+2  students studying in Australia, and the teachers and students had a cordial conversation and took a group photo. Students have said that they have made great progress in their study and life at the University of Adelaide.


With the joint efforts of all parties, the students of Haide College who will study in Australia in 2023 have smoothly adapted to the new environment and learning atmosphere, gradually integrated into the new group, and started their study and life in the University of Adelaide.


Ge Yunti:

(Haide College 2020 biotechnology major students, the first batch of 3+2project students)


Just over a month after arriving in Adelaide, I was surprisingly not unfamiliar and out of place. The campus is located in a quiet city, full of cultural atmosphere and international atmosphere. I met students from all over the world, expanded my horizons, and gained more understanding of different cultures. I met some professors I had met online before, and it was exciting to meet face-to-face. In addition, watching the Women's World Cup live also added color to my July and study abroad trip. The fighting spirit of the women's football team members and the chorus of the fans on the scene gave me a lot of courage to study and live in a foreign country.


Zhang Yiyan:

(Haide College Class of 2020 Food Science and Engineering students, the first batch of 3+2 project students)


The pace of learning in University of Cambridge is not very intense, and there is no requirement for lecture attendance. However, due to the large amount of homework and concentrated time, I need to consult a lot of literature and complete it by myself. Workshops are all group tasks, which greatly improve my ability of quick literature browsing and summary and independent learning. It also promotes discussion and communication with other students. Life in Adelaide is less stressful and culturally inclusive, and there will be enough personal time to meet more new friends and ease the tension and loneliness of newcomers.


Yao Jiaqi:

(Haide College Class of 2021 Mathematics and Applied Mathematics students, 2023 2+2 ” program students)


After entering the University of Adelaide to study, my biggest feeling is that my personal time management ability has greatly improved. Although the autonomy of life and learning is stronger, the things that need to be done every day are many and complex. We need to plan our study, life and entertainment well. Although there are only four courses in a semester, each course requires a lot of time to study and complete the report. In addition, shopping and cooking has become an important part of life. Nevertheless, such a full life is happy, because both school and life are rich and colorful. I always end the day with a sense of accomplishment.


In the future, the College will continue to strengthen its concern for overseas students, guide them to constantly expand their international vision, set an example in strengthening cultural self-confidence and telling Chinese stories well, and inspire youth with a striving attitude, living up to The Times and living up to the Chinese years.