Haide students won the final of the 28th 21st Century Cup National English Speaking Competition in Shandong Province


Release time:2023-06-12

Number of views:69

On June 3, the final of the 28th 21st Century Cup National English Speaking Competition in Shandong was held at Yantai Institute of Technology. After fierce competition, Wang Yizhe, majoring in mathematics and Applied Mathematics of Haide College in Class 2020 (Chinese-foreign cooperation), stood out and won the champion of Shandong Province.

The 21st Century Cup National English Speaking Competition was initiated and hosted by China Daily in 1996 and hosted by 21st Century. Since its inception, the competition has been the only official selection competition in China for the International Public Speaking Competition (IPSC) held in London, UK, every May, and the outstanding performers will represent China on the international stage to show the style of Chinese young students. The competition is well organized, the schedule is rigorous, and the judges are authoritative. It has attracted extensive participation of students from more than 500 universities across the country, and has been highly praised and strongly supported by the Ministry of Education and international English teaching authorities. The Shandong final was divided into three parts: fixed speech, impromptu speech and live question and answer, a total of 32 contestants from 18 colleges and universities in Shandong Province participated. According to the rules of the competition, only one player from the same university qualified for the national competition, so the provincial champion Wang Yizhe will represent Shandong Province to participate in the national semi-finals.

Haide College has always been committed to innovating talent training mode, integrating domestic and foreign high-quality educational resources, creating an international talent training demonstration platform, and improving students' cross-cultural communication ability, interdisciplinary integration ability, logical thinking and innovative practice ability, so as to cultivate high-level interdisciplinary talents with national feelings and international vision. The 21st Century Cup National English Speech Competition not only examines the English level of the contestants, but also attaches great importance to the comprehensive ability of thinking, vision, reaction and so on. Haide students in the final of the Shandong region, has made remarkable achievements, highly recognized by the judges, fully reflects the Haide College in the international talent training has made outstanding achievements.

In the next step, Haide College will further increase the support and funding for students to participate in the second classroom activities with distinctive characteristics such as foreign language competitions, so as to promote learning and practice through competitions, improve students 'comprehensive quality, and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools.