Deans of the School of Biological Sciences and the School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Adelaide Visit Haide College


Release time:2024-06-13

Number of views:18

From April 15 to April 18, Professor Bronwyn Gillanders, Dean of the School of Biological Sciences and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering at the University of Adelaide, and Professor Abelardo Pardo, Dean of School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Adelaide, visited Haide College. Ma Yuhong, Party Secretary of Haide College, and Professor Wang Min, Dean of Haide College, received the guests. 

On the afternoon of April 15, Professor Bronwyn Gillanders delivered a specialized academic lecture titled Exploring Life Sciences to the students of the Biotechnology program. She shared her journey into marine research and introduced cutting-edge research in marine ecology, including changes in the marine ecological environment, comprehensive marine ecological management, as well as the disciplinary advantages, teaching and research teams, main research areas, and key laboratories and institutes of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Adelaide.

On the afternoon of April 17, Professor Abelardo Pardo gave a specialized academic lecture titled Big Data and Digital Learning to students of the Mathematics and Applied Mathematics program. He introduced future educational trends, forefront research and achievements in digital learning and active learning experiences, insights into students' learning habits and methods, and the disciplinary advantages, teaching and research teams, main research areas, and key laboratories and institutes of the School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide.

During their visit, both deans provided professional guidance to students in the "2+2" and "3+2pathways of Biotechnology and Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at Haide College. Through sharing and communication, they offered comprehensive and detailed professional guidance, helping students gain a deeper understanding of the professional development paths of the "2+2 and "3+2 pathways and what to expect in their studies and life at the University of Adelaide. This assistance aimed to help students better adapt to their future academic life at the University of Adelaide.

 The deans visited the College of Marine Life Sciences, the Fisheries College, the School of Mathematical Sciences, and the Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, where they held discussions with faculty and students of related disciplines and delivered specialized academic reports. During the discussions, both sides shared their research outcomes and academic insights, exploring potential future cooperation directions and project plans, highlighting the increasingly significant role of introducing high-quality international education resources.

During their visit, the deans toured the exhibition hall of the Marine Science Building, attended classes to observe and guide the teaching of introduced courses, engaged in discussions with faculty and students in the classroom, shared learning methods, and worked to enhance the quality of education and teaching.

The visit of the two deans from the University of Adelaide deepened Haide College students' understanding of the University of Adelaide, promoted the international teaching level of Haide College, and strengthened cooperation and exchange between the two institutions in related fields. As an international cooperation and exchange platform for the university, Haide College has fully played its role as a bridgehead for external cooperation, facilitating collaboration and exchange between the College of Marine Life Sciences, the Fisheries College, the School of Mathematical Sciences, and the Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, and the University of Adelaide, laying a solid foundation for in-depth future international cooperation between the two universities.