Haide College Hosts Academic Lecture on Big Data and Digitalized Teaching


Release time:2024-04-28

Number of views:28

In this era of rapid information technology development, digital technologies and artificial intelligence are quietly reshaping the landscape of the education industry. On April 17th, Haide College organized a specialized academic lecture on Big Data and Digitalized Teaching at the Xingzhi Building Chinese-style Auditorium, featuring Professor Abelardo Pardo, Dean of the School of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Adelaide, as the keynote speaker. The lecture was chaired by Associate Professor Chen Piwei from the School of Mathematical Sciences. Among the attendees were Ding Boyin, Academic Director of Haide College at the University of Adelaide, Assistant Professor Fan Zhongping from Haide College, and Guo Chunning, Secretary of Student Affairs. Nearly a hundred Haide college students actively participated in the discussion and learning session.

01 Sharing of Research Findings

During the lecture, Abelardo Pardo shared his pertinent research findings and offered insights into future educational trends. He underscored the application of digital technology in education, particularly emphasizing how it can foster active and interactive learning experiences. Abelardo Pardo, with his extensive global academic and practical experience, focuses on optimizing digital learning experiences through the design of online courses and the utilization of data tools. By harnessing big data and employing qualitative and quantitative analysis, educators can gain a better understanding of students' learning habits and needs, thus offering more tailored educational solutions.

02 Discussion on Artificial Intelligence Technology

Advancements in artificial intelligence technology are ushering in revolutionary changes in education. Abelardo Pardo delved into the application of generative AI, such as Chat GPT, and envisioned their collaborative knowledge generation with students, envisaging a unique role for these technologies in education's future. He highlighted that AI's deep integration not only enhances the efficiency of the educational process but also augments interactivity and adaptability in education.

03 Question and Answer Session

During the Q&A session, Abelardo Pardo engaged in discussions with students on the significance of international collaboration in modern education. Drawing from his diverse work experiences across various countries and cultural backgrounds, he illustrated the pivotal role of multicultural exchange in nurturing a global perspective and adapting to the ever-changing world.

This academic lecture provided profound insights into current and future trends in digital education and vividly demonstrated how digital education technology can significantly enhance students' learning experiences. With technology's continual advancement, we anticipate digital education technology will aid educators in achieving more personalized and efficient educational experiences globally.