Learning Salon | Face-to-Face with Academicians: Perseverance for Ideals


Release time:2024-03-26

Number of views:35

As spring emerges, breathing life into everything, we embark on a new journey. The joint academy lecture, hosted by the College of Food Science and Engineering and Haide College, was held in the International Lecture Hall of the Ocean Science and Technology Building. Professor Xue Changhu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary dean of the College of Food Science and Engineering, delivered a lecture titled Youth Growth and Future Food. Centered on the trio of 'interest,' 'negation,' and 'perseverance,' he elaborated on their significance in academic pursuits, encouraging young learners to seize opportunities, refine their skills, and embrace the responsibility of national development. More than 300 faculty members and students attended the lecture, chaired by Professor Li Zhenxing, vice dean of the College of Food Science and Engineering. Ma Yuhong, secretary of the Haide College Party Committee, and Min Wang, dean of Haide College, were also present.


Driven by Interest, Great Truths are Always Simple

What is food? What is the significance of professional study? Xue Changhu analyzed, from a professional perspective, how scholars in food science research control water and ice crystals using the example of frozen preservation technology for aquatic products, thereby improving people's lives. The purpose of university study is not to master a specific profession, but to grasp the methods of learning and find learning interests, Xue Changhu pointed out. Interest is the driving force behind learning and development. When interest is combined with career, research and work become a process of discovering new pleasures and achievements.

Embrace Negation, There's no Making Without Breaking

The ocean can provide humans with food equivalent to 1,000 times that of the land. To ensure that the Chinese people hold their rice bowls firmly in their own hands, we must adhere to innovation, Xue Changhu said. Negation and doubt are important prerequisites for progress and innovation. He cited the technical barriers and setbacks encountered in research projects as examples, pointing out that in the face of failure, one must not give up the challenge; in the face of success, one must not become complacent. Only by maintaining a skeptical attitude and spirit of doubt can one make further progress.

Perseverance is the Key to Success

In life or scientific research, challenges abound. Failure is frequent, success sporadic. But to truly turn interest into a passion and turn negation into breakthroughs, one must repeatedly endure failure and setbacks. Fall down, get up; fall down again, get up again... Persevere tirelessly, Only with a firm belief in one's ideals and unwavering perseverance can one accomplish what others cannot and do well what others can, thus carving out a place for oneself.

Xue Changhu's witty and humorous language, coupled with vivid and detailed examples, aroused strong resonance among the faculty and students. During the interactive session, students actively asked questions on topics such as exploring interests, researching food, future food, career planning, and personal growth. Xue answered each question, clarifying doubts and fostering a warm and lively atmosphere of exchange.

Wang Zixuan, a sophomore student majoring in Food Science and Engineering, class of 2023, said: I have been in a state of confusion recently. Listening to Professor Xue's lecture enlightened me. Finding one's own interests is important, but it's even more crucial to have a long-term perspective, focusing on improving oneself. We should not be overly concerned about choosing a major, but should think about how to shoulder the responsibilities of youth and create value in the pursuit of our dreams.

Zhang Ming, a sophomore student majoring in Food Science and Engineering (Sino-foreign cooperation), class of 2023, said: Professor Xue's experience serves as a guide for me. Besides having a strong interest as motivation, courage to face negation and unwavering perseverance are also necessary. I aspire to emulate Professor Xue, study hard, and contribute to China's food science industry.