Haide College Holds Lecture on Student Future Development Planning


Release time:2024-03-11

Number of views:49

To further broaden students' international perspectives and guide their future development, on the morning of March 9th, Haide College, in collaboration with the University of Adelaide, conducted a special lecture on student future development planning. The lecture took place at the Laoshan campus in teaching area 4501, with Haide College Dean Wang Min, Vice Dean Wang Hanlin, and Youth League Committee Secretary Li Xiaotong in attendance. Ding Boyin, Academic Director of the Haide College at the University of Adelaide, participated in the lecture through online connection. The lecture was hosted by the college's Student Affairs Secretary Yu Wenqing.

Wang Min provided a detailed introduction to the construction and development of Haide College from aspects such as basic information, international talent cultivation, quality assurance, cultural development, and educational outcomes. She showcased the employment (further study) destinations of the 2020 class students and the outstanding performance of current students of the "2+2" and "3+2" pathway at Haide College, as well as shared her experiences visiting the University of Adelaide. Wang Min encouraged students to make full use of the distinctive advantages of international talent cultivation at Haide College and to plan their academic and career development rationally for the future.


Ding Boyin introduced the strong support provided by the University of Adelaide for the smooth admission of Haide College students, explained the latest scholarship policies for 2024, and highlighted the professional academic guidance and career counseling services available for students at the University of Adelaide. He shared insights into the learning and living experiences of students of the "2+2 " and "3+2" pathway at the University of Adelaide, along with the comprehensive qualities and academic achievements of students, providing references for students intending to pursue further studies abroad.

Li Ruomeng, representative of the first batch of Haide College “2+2” path way students, majoring in Food Science and Engineering, shared the growth brought by two years of study abroad and the planning of applying for direct doctoral program. The parent representative of “2+2” pathway, father of student Yao Jiaqi, majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, shared his journey from choosing “2+2” pathway to witnessing his son's growth in the University of Adelaide; the representative of “2+2” pathway, Zhu Jingyi, majoring in Biotechnology, shared her experience of participating in the summer research program of the University of Adelaide, and meeting with the mentors of Harvard Medical School. Han Yutong, representative of "3+2" path way students, majoring in biotechnology, talked about the process of crossing over from biotechnology to cybersecurity and pointed out the importance of interdisciplinary development; Zhang Yang, representative of "3+2" path way students, majoring in biotechnology, and Zhang Yiyan, majoring in food science and engineering, shared their experiences of running for the Student Union of the University of Adelaide.


Guo Chunning, Student Affairs Secretary of Haide College, introduced information about the selection criteria and student management of the college's study abroad program, and answered questions from students at the site.

Students from Haide College attended the lecture on-site, while parents participated online to listen to the lecture.

With the goal of cultivating international talents with cross-cultural communication skills, interdisciplinary integration abilities, logical reasoning and innovative practices, as well as outstanding leadership, Haide College aims to encourage students to fully utilize the characteristics and advantages of the college, set high standards for themselves, establish ambitious goals, lay a solid foundation for their own development, and make scientific and reasonable plans for future development.
