Chen Xi



Release time:2023-11-06

Number of views:17

1.Personal Profile

NameChen Xi

Education Degree: Doctor



2.Research Interests

Mainly engaged in environmental ecology research. Recently, focus on the toxin production mechanism and red tide effect of toxic dinoflagellates.


3.Research Production

1Chen Xi; Wang Dengyu; Wang Yanqun; Sun Pengfei; Ma Shuanghui; Chen Tiantian ; Algicidal Effects of a High-Efficiency Algicidal Bacterium Shewanella Y1 on the Toxic Bloom-Causing Dinoflagellate Alexandrium pacificum, Marine Drugs, 2022, 20(4)

2Wang Ting; Chen Xi; Li Jialin; Qin Song; Cui Yulin; Xu Fan ; The Moderating Role of Population Succession in the Adaptive Responses of Synechococcus Assemblages: Evidence from Light Intensity Simulation Experiment, Photosynthetica, 2021, 59(4): 587-599

3Chen Xi; Zhang Xiaohao; Zhao Yangguo; Liu Guangxing; Zhang Chao; Gao Huiwang ; Response of Heterotrophic Bacteria Abundance and Community Structure to Asian Dust Addition in the Oligotrophic Northwest Pacific Ocean, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2020, 19(3): 722-728

4Chen Xi, Liu Guangxing; Bai Xiaoyan; Shi Dongwan; Zhang Chao; Zhao Yangguo; Gao Huiwang ; Response of Nanoplanktonic Protists Growth in Different Sizes to Asian Dust and Phosphorus Addition in the South Yellow Sea [J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2020, 50(2): 22-30.

5Chen Xi; Liu Guangxing; Huang Xiao; Chen Hongju; Zhang Chao; Zhao Yangguo ; Effects of Asian Dust and Phosphorus Input on Abundance and Trophic Structure of Protists in the Southern Yellow Sea, Water, 2019, 11(6)