Sun Meiling



Release time:2023-11-06

Number of views:14

1.Personal Profile

NameSun Meiling

Education Degree: Doctor



2.Research Interests

Engaged in research on marine microbial diversity and ecology, including the diversity, structure, interaction with hosts, and impact on marine ecosystems of marine viruses; the secretion, structure, ecological effects, and application potential of extracellular polysaccharides from marine bacteria in extreme environments.


3.Research Production

       Sun M#, Liu M#, Shan H#, Li K#, Wang P#, Guo H#, Zhao Y, Wang R, Tao Y, Yang L, Zhang Y, Su X, Liu Y, Li C, Lin J, Chen XL, Zhang YZ*, Shen QT*. Ring-stacked capsids of white spot syndrome virus and structural transitions with genome ejection. Science Advances. 2023, 9(8):eadd2796.

      Sun M-L, Zhao F, Zhang X-K, Zhang X-Y, Zhang Y-Z, Song X-Y*, Chen X-L*. Improvement of the production of an Arctic bacterial exopolysaccharide with protective effect on human skin cells against UV-induced oxidative stress. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020, 104(11):4863-4875.

     Sun M-L, Zhao F, Chen X-L, Zhang X-Y, Zhang Y-Z, Song X-Y, Sun C-Y, Yang J*. Promotion of wound healing and prevention of frostbite injury in rat skin by exopolysaccharide from the Arctic marine bacterium Polaribacter sp. SM1127. Marine Drugs, 2020, 18(1):48

      Sun M-L#, Zhao F#, Shi M, Zhang X-Y, Zhou B-C, Zhang Y-Z, Chen X-L*. Characterization and Biotechnological Potential Analysis of a New Exopolysaccharide from the Arctic Marine Bacterium Polaribacter sp. SM1127. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:18435

     Sun M-L, Liu S-B, Qiao L-P, Chen X-L, Pang X, Shi M, Zhang X-Y, Qin Q-L, Zhou B-C, Zhang Y-Z, Xie B-B*. A novel exopolysaccharide from deep-sea bacterium Zunongwangia profunda SM-A87: low-cost fermentation, moisture retention, and antioxidant activities. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 98(17):7437-45