Li Min



Release time:2023-11-06

Number of views:13

1.Personal Profile

NameLi Min

Education Degree: Doctor


Class Instructed: Mathematics Class 1, 2023


2.Research Interests

Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems


3.Research Production

Conducted Projects:

Supported by Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 12301217, 2024.01-2026.12, host of the project.

Supported by Natural science Foundation of Shandong Province of China, ZR2023QA007, 2024.01-2026.12, host of the project.



1. Min Li ; Xiong Li ; Boundedness in asymmetric oscillations under the non-resonant case,

Journal of Differential Equations, 2021, 274: 828-856.

2. Min Li ; Xiong Li ; Unbounded solutions for asymmetric oscillations in the degenerate

resonant case, Journal of Differential Equations, 2022, 309: 786-808.

3. Min Li ; Xiong Li ; The existence of unbounded solutions of asymmetric oscillations in the

degenerate resonant case, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 2023.