Haide College held the 2023 Freshmen Welcome Party


Release time:2023-09-25

Number of views:43

In order to welcome the 2023 freshmen to join the Haide College family, enrich the students' extracurricular life, and create a strong college cultural and artistic atmosphere, on the evening of September 21st, the 2023 freshmen Welcome Party was successfully held in the multi-function Hall of the University Student Activity Center on Laoshan Campus.

Guan Changlong, Dean of the College of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Yu Dehua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Haide College, Zhang Linjie, Deputy Dean of Haide College, Instructor of Haide College, instructor of Brothers College and President of the Student Union attended this activity, and gathered with the students of Haide College 2023 to share the audio-visual feast.


The opening of a Dance barbecue, instantly lit up the night, and turned the whole audience, fully demonstrating the bright and lively youth style and confident spirit of Haide students.

Magic show Invisible touch both the integrity of the plot and the skill of magic, unpredictable, wonderful, the audience applause. After the warm up, the party officially began, and the three chapters of ride together, see together and consensus began in turn. 


With the dynamic rhythm and flowing light symbols, the first chapter Ride together: To the mountains and seas opens with the rap program No need to guess the Crystal, which is full of motion and the sound enters people's hearts. Subsequently, the solo singing I miss, the dance After the Rain, the skit Who Killed Sunday and the piano solo I Love You China and other wonderful performances ignited the passion of the students again and again, bringing the atmosphere to the climax. 

The second chapter See You Together: Encounter in Early Autumn opens with a street dance performance Mush up, which expresses itself in the form of dance, full of vitality and passion. The vocal performance My Beauty, the chorus You Raise Me Up and the cross talk performance My Years in Kelp conveyed the expectations and blessings from the seniors and encouraged the new students to embrace the beautiful college life. 

The third chapter Consensus: Painting Hua Chapter begins with the guitar playing and singing Ordinary Friends, the notes tell the feelings and move the heartstrings. Subsequently, dance In the Mood for Love, A Cappella Love has to be and music poetry and painting performance Window of the World and other programs have new ideas, high and dance youth, flying dreams.


At the end of the activity, all the counselors of Haide College brought a chorus of Possible, and told the blessing, wishing all the freshmen of Haide College 2023 have unlimited possibilities in the future. 

The party slowly came to an end, but the students' college life has just begun, I hope the students from the new arrival of the uneasy out, adjust the mood from the beginning, hand in hand with the struggle of youth to interpret their oath, with the sweat of passion to forge tomorrow's brilliant, create a new future of Haide!



Text| Li Hengjie

Photo| Liu Jinyan, Shen Ziye, Yuan Xinyi, Liu Shuo, Sun Qianhan ,Wang Yanjun