Nong Qingqin


Release time:2023-09-19

Number of views:13

1. Personal profile

Name: Nong Qingqin

Education: Doctor

Title: Associate Professor

Office phone:


2. Teaching course 

Game Theory

3. Research direction

Optimization algorithm design and analysis, algorithm game theory.

4. Research results

In the European Journal of Operational Research, Naval Research

Logistics, Journal of Global Optimization, Operations Research He has

published more than 30 papers in journals such as Letters, International

Journal of Production Economics and Journal of Combinatorial

Optimization. He has presided over 2 projects of National Natural Science Foundation and 3 projects of provincial and ministerial level, and

participated in 4 projects of National Natural Science Foundation and 1

project of provincial and ministerial level.

At present, he is the director of the Mathematical Planning Branch, the Game Theory branch and the Sorting Branch of the Chinese

Operations Research Society, and the executive member of the Computational Economy Group of CCF.