Li Mingyan
Release time:2023-09-19
Number of views:23
1. Personal profile
Name: Li Mingyan
Education: PhD
Title: Associate Professor
Office phone: None
Email: limingyan@
2. Teaching course
Analytic Geometry
3. Research Direction
Differential geometry
4. Research results
1. M.Y. Li, G.F. Wang and L.J. Weng, Lagrangian surfaces with Legendrian boundary, Sci. China Math., 64 (2021) : 1589-1598.
2. X.X. Jiao, M.Y. Li* and H. Li, Rigidity of conformal minimal immersions of constant curvature from S^2 to Q_4, J. Geom. Anal.,31(2021):2212-2237.
3. X.X. Jiao and M.Y. Li*, Classification of conformal minimal immersions of constant curvature from S^2 to Q_n, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 196(3)(2017): 1001- 1023.
4. X.X. Jiao and M.Y. Li*, Minimal surfaces in symmetric spaces with parallel second fundamental form, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 127(4)(2017): 719-735.
5. W.J. Zhang, X.X. Jiao and M.Y. Li, Minimal two-spheres in G(2,4; (C)) with parallel second fundamental form, Math. Notes, 101(5-6)(2017): 899-912.
6. M.Y. Li, X.X. Jiao and L. He, Classification of conformal minimal immersions of constant curvature from S^2 to Q_3, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 68(2)(2016): 863-883.
7. X.X. Jiao and M.Y. Li*, On conformal minimal immersions of two-spheres in a complex hyperquadric with parallel second fundamental form, J. Geom. Anal., 26(1)(2016): 185-205.