Liu Guanglei


Release time:2023-09-19

Number of views:17

1. Personal profile 

Name: Liu Guanglei

Education: Doctoral candidate

Title: Professor/doctoral supervisor


2 Teaching course

Introduction to Synthetic Biology

3. Research Direction 

Function, pathway analysis and reconstruction of

key proteins in yeast carbon metabolism and product

synthesis as well as regulatory mechanisms.

4. Research achievements

Recent projects:

(1) Liu, G. L. #; Bu, X. Y. #; Chen, C.; Fu, C.; Chi, Z.; Kosugi, A.; Cui, Q.; Chi, Z. M.; Liu, Y. J., Bioconversion of non-food corn biomass to polyol esters of fatty acid and single-cell oils. Biotechnol Biofuels Bioprod 2023, 16 (1), 9.

(2) Li, F.; Wang, M.; Chi, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, X.; Xing, M.; Chi, Z.; Liu, G. *, A novel transcriptional activation mechanism of inulinase gene in Kluyveromyces marxianus involving a glycolysis regulator KmGcr1p with unique and functional Q-rich repeats. Mol Microbiol 2022, 117 (5), 1063-1079.

(3) Zhu, Y. #; Han, Y. #; Liu, G. #; Bian, Z.; Yan, X.; Li, Y.; Long, H.; Yu, G.; Wang, Y., Novel indole-mediated potassium ion import system confers a survival advantage to the Xanthomonadaceae family. ISME J 2022.

(4) Xing, M.; Wang, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Chi, Z.; Chi, Z.; Liu, G.*, C-Terminal bacterial immunoglobulin-like domain of kappa-carrageenase serves as a multifunctional module to promote kappa-carrageenan hydrolysis. J Agric Food Chem. 2022, 70 (4), 1212-1222.