Qi Jie


Release time:2023-09-19

Number of views:21

1.Personal Profile

Name: Qi Jie

Education: Doctor

Title: Professor

Office phone: 0532-82031986

Email: qijie@ouc.edu.cn

2. Teaching course 

Modern Genetics

3. Research Direction

Marine fish genetics and breeding

4. Research Results

Representative papers: 

Niu J, Sun M, Li Z, Wang Z, Kong M, Wang Y, Song J, Zhang Q, He Y, Qi J*. Whole transcriptome analysis provides new insight on immune response mechanism of golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus) to Amyloodinium ocellatum infestation. Aquaculture. 2022.560,738396. 

Niu J, Wang X, Liu P, Liu H, Li R, Li Z, He Y, Qi J*. Effects of Cryopreservation on Sperm with Cryodiluent in Viviparous Black Rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022.23:3392. 

He Y, Chang Y, Bao L, Yu M, Li R, Niu J, Fan G, Song W, Seim I, Qin Y, Li X, Liu J, Kong X, Peng M, Sun M, Wang M, Qu J, Wang X, Liu X, Wu X, Zhao X, Wang X, Zhang Y, Guo J, Liu Y, Liu K, Wang Y, Zhang H, Liu L, Wang M, Yu H, Wang X, Cheng J, Wang Z, Xu X, Wang J, Yang H, Lee SM, Liu X*, Zhang Q*, Qi J*. A chromosome level genome of black rockfish, Sebastes schlegelii, provides insights into the evolution of live birth, Molecular Ecology Resources. 2019. May 11. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998. 13034.