Cui Pengfei


Release time:2023-09-19

Number of views:15

1. Personal profile

Name: Cui Pengfei

Education: PhD

Title: Associate Professor

Office Tel: 15965427106



2. Teaching course

Research Methodology

3. Research direction

Antibiotic  pollution  control  and  antibiotic  resistance genes;  

Design,  development  and functional  study of antimicrobial peptides;

4. Research results

Presided over National Natural Science Foundation

youth projects, horizontal projects, etc.; And

participate in national key research and development programs.

Representative papers:

1. Jiu-Qiang Xiong# , Pengfei Cui# , Shaoguo Ru, Sanjay P. Govindwar, Mayur B. Kurade, Min Jang, Sang-Hyoun Kim, Byong-Hun Jeon*. (2021) Unravelling  metabolism and microbial community of a  phytobed  co-planted  with   Typha  angustifolia  and  Ipomoea  aquatica  for  biodegradation  of

doxylamine from wastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF2020: 10.588) .

2. Rong Tan, Meiru Wang, Huiqin  Xu, Lu Qin, Jun Wang, Pengfei Cui* and  Shaoguo Ru. (2021) Improving the Activity  of Antimicrobial  Peptides Against  Aquatic  Pathogen  Bacteria  by Amino

Acid  Substitutions and Changing the Ratio of Hydrophobic  Residues. Frontiers  in Microbiology

(IF2020: 5.64).

3. Jiu-Qiang Xiong*# , Pengfei Cui# , Shaoguo Ru, Mayur B.  Kurade, Swapnil M. Patil,  Krishna K. Yadav, Ahmed M. Fallatah, Marina M.S. Cabral-Pinto, Byong-Hun Jeon*. (2022) A comprehensive

review  on  the  effects  of engineered  nanoparticles  on  microalgal  treatment  of pollutants   from

wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production. (IF2022:11.072).

4. Chen-Yu Zhao, Shaoguo Ru*, Pengfei Cui(Cui Pengfei), Xin Qi, Mayur B. Kurade, Swapnil M. Patil, Byong-Hun Jeon, Jiu-Qiang Xiong*. (2021) Multiple metabolic pathways of enrofloxacin by

Lolium  perenne    L.:   Ecotoxicity,   biodegradation,   and   key   driven   genes.    Water   Research


5. Meiru Wang, Yifan  Qin, Yifan  Liu,  Hui Yang,  Jun Wang,  Shaoguo Ru,  Pengfei Cui*.  (2023) Short-term exposure to enrofloxacin causes hepatic metabolism disorder associated with intestinal

flora dysbiosis in adult marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma). Marine Pollution Bulletin.