The Haide College delegation visited relevant institutions in Australia and New Zealand


Release time:2023-07-07

Number of views:76

From June 26, 2023 to July 2, 2023, Qin Shanghai, Secretary of the Party Committee of Haide College, led a delegation of 4 people to visit the University of Auckland, the Melbourne headquarters of AEMG Education Group, the Chinese Consulate General in Adelaide, the University of Adelaide, the University of Tasmania and so on in New Zealand and Australia, and achieved the expected results.


On June 27, the delegation visited the University of Auckland, aiming to promote the friendly cooperation between the University of Auckland and Ocean University of China. The representatives of the two sides introduced the overall situation of the two universities and discussed the inter-university student exchange and other projects.Martin Hookham-Simms, Director of International Affairs at the University of Auckland; Ainslie Moore, Deputy Director of International Affairs; Kaiwen Yang, Commissioner of International Affairs; Xue Junsong, Senior Minister of Marketing and Admissions, AEMG; Miranda, Minister of Partnerships, AEMG New Zealand Herbert were present.


On June 28, the delegation visited the Melbourne headquarters of AEMG Education Group to further discuss the existing cooperation and explore new research and cooperation opportunities. AEMG Education Group Executive Director Jing Wang, Vice President (Quality and Compliance) Bruce Calway, Dean Karen Swabey, Provost Khirralee Keher, Xue Junsong, Senior Minister of Marketing and Enrollment, Zhu Minbao, Senior Minister of Student Services, Feng Jiage, Minister of Research Cooperation, Guan Liyun, Minister of Academic Relations, and David Beltrame, Minister of Language Program, were present.


On the morning of 29 June, the delegation visited the Chinese Consulate General in Adelaide. Consul General He Lanjing met with the delegation. Vice Consul General PI Lijun, Consul Ding Li and Consul Yuan Zugang attended. The talks discussed international exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and Australian universities, safe study abroad and other contents. He Lanjing affirmed the role of Haide College of Ocean University of China in promoting China-Australia friendly relations and expressed ardent expectations for the future development of the college. On July 3, the Chinese Consulate General in Adelaide released relevant news.


On June 29, the delegation visited the University of Adelaide and had a discussion with Jessica Gallagher, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Adelaide, and relevant leaders on the construction and development of Haide College, talent training model and student support plan. Visited the first batch of Haide College “2+2 ”program students to study in Australia, and went to the relevant laboratory to conduct field visits. Jessica Gallagher, Vice-Chancellor of Adelaide University; Scott Smith, Deputy Minister of International Affairs, Department of Science, Engineering and Technology; Braden Phillips, Deputy Minister of Academic Affairs; Ding Boyin, Academic Director of Haide College; and Wang Chen, Senior Project Cooperation Officer, International Development Cooperation Office.


The delegation visited the first batch of “2+2 ” students and communicated with the students. Qin Shanghai, on behalf of the College, expressed his cordial condolences to the students and learned about the students' study and life in the University of Adelaide. The participants were delighted with the excellent results and comprehensive improvement achieved by the students in the University of Adelaide. The students are also looking forward to the arrival of a new batch of “2+2 ” and “3+2 ” students, and are willing to share their experience to help students adapt to life abroad as soon as possible.


Subsequently, the delegation went to the relevant laboratories of the University of Adelaide for field research to understand its design concept and high-standard international laboratory construction elements. The staff gave the delegation a detailed introduction to the daily use and management of the laboratory, which provided valuable experience for the work of the new laboratory of Haide College. The delegation will also transform the content of the research and application after returning home, and build a more international Haide College laboratory.


From June 30 to July 1, the delegation visited the University of Tasmania. The delegation first visited the University of Tasmania's School of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS),Catriona Macleod, acting executive director of the School of Science and Engineering, Jemma Foster, head of strategic partnerships, students and international teams at the School of Science and Engineering, and Tristanne Scott-Durairajah, deputy Director of Collaboration and Study Abroad, were present, among others.


The delegation also visited the alumni representatives, and the students who had studied in the Marine Science (Sino-Foreign cooperative education) program and participated in the “2+2 ”program to further their studies in the University of Tasmania. At the meeting, Qin Shanghai, on behalf of the school, expressed his condolences to the students, and expressed his concern and concern for the students studying abroad, hoping that all the students can learn well and contribute to the country's Marine cause.



This visit further deepened the cooperation and exchanges between our university and universities in New Zealand and Australia, promoted the in-depth cooperation and development between Haide College and universities in New Zealand and Australia, and further promoted the University of Adelaide's support for the construction and development of Haide College, especially the construction of international talent training system. It has also promoted the cooperation and exchange with AEMG Education Group, laying the foundation for the future construction and development of Haide College.


Correspondent: JiaTengfei