Life in the Academy | "Counselor Appointment" series of activities -- "Psychological board game" activity successfully held!


Release time:2023-06-02

Number of views:37

Get together board games · Relax

In order to relieve students' academic pressure, enrich campus life and promote face-to-face communication, the college has prepared a variety of interesting board games for students. The theme of this activity was self-exploration and teamwork. Students actively participated in the activity to release pressure and find themselves in teamwork.


Battle of wits · Laughter

Two board games, Sinister Flight and Avalon, were prepared for this event. During the event, people are immersed, reasoning and guessing the identities of other players while trying to hide their own identities. At the activity site, the students expounded their views according to different positions, exchanged each other's words, launched a heated discussion, and carried out an effective exchange of views.


Psychological Healing · Looking to the future

In a wave of laughter, the psychological table games activities ended successfully. This activity aims to help students to explore the heart, relieve the academic pressure, vent emotions, but also to help them better understand themselves, accept themselves, enhance interpersonal communication skills.
