Ishfaq Ahmed


Release time:2023-05-25

Number of views:25


1. Personal Profile  

Name: Ishfaq Ahmed 

Education: PhD 

Title: Assistant Professor

Office telephone: 0532-66787299  



2. Teaching course 

Public Health and Nutrition,

Science – Processes and Practices


3. Research direction

High-value utilization of enzymes, polyphenols, poly-mannose, and other novel processing techniques to improve the safety and quality of foods. His main research focus is on the application of novel processing technologies to develop hypoallergenic food products by reducing the antigenicity and allergenicity of food allergens.  


4.Research results

Representative papers:


Ahmed, I.,Ouyang, S., Wu, S., Song, H., … & Huang, G. (2023). Laccase/caffeic acid-catalyzed crosslinking coupled with galactomannan alters the conformational structure of OVA and alleviates Th2-mediated allergic asthma. Food Science and Human Wellness.(Accepted).

Ahmed, I.,Chen, H., Li, J., Wang, B., Li, Z., & Huang, G. (2021). Enzymatic crosslinking and food allergenicity: A comprehensive review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety20(6), 5856-5879.

Ahmed, I.,Lin, H., Li, Z., Xu, L., Qazi, I. M., Luo, C. et al. (2021). Tyrosinase/caffeic acid cross-linking alleviated shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) tropomyosin-induced allergic responses by modulating the Th1/Th2 immunobalance. Food Chemistry, 340, 127948.

Ahmed, I.,Lin, H., Xu, L., Li, S., Costa, J., Mafra, I. et al. (2020). Immunomodulatory effects of laccase/caffeic acid and transglutaminase in alleviating shrimp tropomyosin (Met e 1) allergenicity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68(29), 7765-7778.

Khan, M. U+., Ahmed, I+.,Lin, H., Li, Z., et al. (2019). Potential efficacy of processing technologies for mitigating crustacean allergenicity. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 59(17), 2807-2830.(+Co-first author)

Ahmed, I.,Ma, J., Li, Z., Lin, H., Xu, L., et al. (2019). Effect of tyrosinase and caffeic acid crosslinking of turbot parvalbumin on the digestibility, and release of mediators and cytokines from activated RBL-2H3 cells. Food Chemistry, 300, 125209.