Yan Ying


Release time:2023-05-25

Number of views:15

1. Personal profile

Name: Yan Ying

Education background: Doctor

Title: Professor

Office number: 0532-82031755

Email: yanying@ouc.edu.cn

2. Teaching course 

Molecular Biology

3. Research direction

Genetic evolution of ciliate protozoa

4.Research results

Representative papers:

Ying Yan#, Xyrus X. Maurer-Alcalá#, Sergei L. Kosakovsky Pond, Rob Knight, Laura A. Katz. Single cell transcriptomics reveal a correlation between genome architecture and gene family evolution in ciliates. mBio. 2019, 10: e02524-19.

Chao Li#, Xiao Chen#, Weibo Zheng, Thomas G. Doak, Guangyi Fan, Weibo Song, Ying Yan*. Chromosome organization and gene expansion in the highly fragmented genome of the ciliate Strombidium stylifer. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2022,48: 908-916.

Borong Lu, Xiaozhong Hu, Alan Warren, Weibo Song, Ying Yan*. From oral structure to molecular evidence: new insights into the evolutionary phylogeny of the ciliate order Sessilida (Protista, Ciliophora), with the establishment of two new families and new contributions to the poorly studied family Vaginicolidae. Science China Life Sciences. 2023, DOI:10.1007/s11427-022-2268-2.