Wang Dongmei
Release time:2023-05-25
Number of views:15
1. Personal profile
Name: Wang Dongmei
Education background: Doctor
Title: Professor
Office telephone: 15864291929
2. Teaching course
《Molecular Biology》《Molecular biology experiment》
3. Research direction
Development of economic seaweed laver and molecular mechanism of stress resistance
4.Research results
She presided over one National Natural Science Foundation project, one Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation project, and participated in two national key research and development programs.
SCI included articles published in recent years:
1. Xiaowei Guana, Yunxiang Maoa, John W. Stillera, Shanshan Shu, Ying Pang, et al., Dongmei Wang. Comparative gene expression and physiological analyses reveal molecular mechanisms in wound-induced spore formation in the edible seaweed nori. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022
2. Dongmei Wanga, Xinzi Yua, Kuipeng Xua, Guiqi Bia, Min Caoa, et al. Debashish Bhattacharya, Yunxiang Mao. Pyropia yezoensis genome reveals diverse mechanisms of carbon acquisition in the intertidal environment. Nature Communications, 2020 Aug 12;11(1):4028. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17689-1. (aco-first authors)
3. Dongmei Wanga, Wuxin Youa, et al. Yunxiang Mao, Ansgar Poetsch. Comparative quantitative proteomics reveals the desiccation stress responses of the intertidal seaweed Pyropia haitanensis. Journal of Phycology, 2020, ttps:// (aco-first author)
4. N Chen , L Tang, X Guan, R Chen, M Cao, Y Mao , D Wang. Thallus sectioning as an efficient monospore release method in Pyropia yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Journal of applied phycology, 2019, doi: 10.1007/s10811-019-01992-6.