Guo Huarong


Release time:2023-05-25

Number of views:17

1. Personal profile

Name: Guo Huarong

Education background: Doctor

Title: Professor

Office telephone: 18854261970


2. Teaching course

Cell engineering

3. Research direction

Marine biomolecular cell biology

4.Research results

Representative papers:

(1). GuoH.R., et al., 2001. Analysis of three marine fish cell lines by RAPD assay. In vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.-Animal 37(7): 340-343.

(2).GuoH.R., et al., 2002. Characterization of lactate dehydrogenase isozyme pattern and morphology of three marine fish cell lines. Chin.J.Oceanol.Limnol. 20(3):226-231.

 (3).GuoH.R., et al., 2002. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of polyethylenimine and nickel chloride in red sea bream (Pagrosomus major) fin cell line RSBF. Chin.J.Oceanol.Limnol. 20(4):323-331.

(4).GuoH.R., et al., 2003.  Spontaneous neoplastic transformation of the cell line FG-9307 from Olive flounder.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 65: 44-48.