Zhang Zhe


Release time:2022-10-26

Number of views:25

1.Personal Profile

Name: Zhang Zhe

Education: Doctor

Title: Lecturer

Office telephone: 0532-82032272

Email: zhangzhe1613@ouc.edu.cn

2.Teaching course 

Food Inspection and Analysis Experiment

3.Research direction

Metabolic regulation mechanism and active products of probiotics, nutrition and chronic disease prevention

4.Research results

Representative papers:

Zhe Zhang, Xi Liang, Lingjun Tong, Youyou Lv, Huaxi Yi, Pimin Gong, XiaoyingTian, Qingyu Cui, Tongjie Liu*, Lanwei Zhang*.  Effect of Inonotus obliquus (Fr.) Pilat extract on the regulation of glycolipid metabolism via PI3K/Akt and AMPK/ACC pathways in mice.  Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2021, 273: 113963.

Zhe Zhang, Xi Liang, Youyou Lv, Huaxi Yi, Yujie Chen, Lu Bai, Hui Zhou, Tongjie Liu, Rui Li, Lanwei Zhang*.  Evaluation of probiotics for improving and regulation metabolism relevant to type 2 diabetes in vitro.  Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, 64: 103664.

Zhe Zhang, Hui Zhou, Lu Bai, Youyou Lv, Huaxi Yi, Lanwei Zhang*, Rui Li*.  Protective effects of probiotics on acute alcohol-induced liver injury in mice through alcohol metabolizing enzymes activation and hepatic TNF- α  response reduction.  Journal of Functional Foods, 2019, 59: 234-241.