Wang Kaiqiang


Release time:2022-10-26

Number of views:17

1.Personal Profile

Name: Wang Kaiqiang

Education: Doctor

Title: Associate Professor

Office telephone: 0532-82032389


2.Research direction

Mainly engaged in the research work of rapid non-destructive detection of food quality and risk factors, construction and application of porous nano materials, Raman spectroscopy and laser induced breakdown spectroscopy detection

3. Research results

1.Wang,K.,Sun,D.-W.*,Pu,H.,&Wei,Q.(2021). Polymermultilayersenabledstableandflexible  Au@AgnanoparticlearrayfornondestructiveSERSdetectionofpesticideresidues. Talanta, 223, 121782 (ESI highly cited papers). 2. Wang, K., Sun, D. - W. *, Pu, H., & Wei, Q.* (2020).  Two-dimensional  Au@Agnanodot  array for sensing dual-fungicidesinfruitjuiceswithsurface-enhancedRamanspectroscopytechnique.  Food Chemistry, 310, 125923 (ESI highly cited paper). 3. Wang, K., Sun, D. - W. *, Pu, H., & Wei, Q. (2019).  Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of core-shell  Au@Agnanoparticlesaggregatesforrapiddetectionofdifenoconazoleingrapes. Talanta, 191, 449-456 (ESI highly cited paper). 4. Wang, K., Luo, S.Z., Zhong, X.Y., Cai, J., Jiang, S.T.,&Zheng, Z. * (2017) Changesinchemical interactionsandproteinconformationduringheat-inducedwheatglutengelformation. Food Chemistry, 214, 393-399 (ESI highly cited paper)