Fan Zhongping


Release time:2022-10-26

Number of views:22

1.Personal Profile

Name: Fan Zhongping

Education: Doctor

Title: Assistant Professor


2.Teaching course 

Mathematical Analysis, Mathematics I, Astronomical Observation and Calculation

3.Research direction

Basic Mathematics Non Commutative Algebra Direction

4.Research results

1. Research on the classification of finite dimensional Hopf algebra and its algorithm implementation; Shandong Postdoctoral Innovation Project

2. Fan Zhong ping*;  Lu Di ming;  Yu Xiao lan;  Diagrams of Hopf algebras with the Chevalley property, Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B, 2016, 31(3): 367-378.

3. Zhang Ruojun; Gao Xiang; Fan Zhongping *; Mathematics -- the Language of the Universe, China Ocean University Press, 2019