Zhao Yan


Release time:2022-10-26

Number of views:18

1.Personal Profile

Name: Zhao Yan

Education: Doctor

Title: Associate Professor

Office telephone: 0532-82031712

Email: zhaoyan@ouc.edu.cn

2.Research direction

Phytoplankton Physioecological Toxicity, Microalgae Toxicology, Applied Microalgae

3.Research results

Presided over a National Natural Science Foundation, participated in a number of national key research and development programs, NSFC key funds, etc., and published SCI papers in recent years, including:

1.Yan Zhao*, Antonietta Quigg (2014) Nutrient Limitation in Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM): Phytoplankton Communities and Photosynthesis Respond to Nutrient Pulse.  Plos One 9(2), (2014), e88732.

2.Yan Zhao*, Antonietta Quigg, Study of photosynthetic productivity in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: importance of the diel cycles and light penetration.  Continental shelf Research, 102, (2015), 33-46.

3.Yan Zhao*, You Wang, Antonietta Quigg, Comparison of population growth and photosynthetic apparatus changes in response to different nutrient status in a diatom and a coccolithophore.  Journal of Phycology,51, (2015), 872-884.

4.Yan Zhao*, You Wang, Antonietta Quigg, The 24 hour recovery kinetics from N starvation in Phaeodactylum Tricornutum and Emiliania Huxleyi.  Journal of Phycology, 51, (2015), 726-738.

5.Yan Zhao, You Wang*, Yijun Li, Peter H. Santschi, Antonietta Quigg, Response of photosynthesis and the antioxidant defense system of two microalgal species (Alexandrium minutum and Dunaliella salina) to the toxicity of BDE-47, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 124, (2017), 459-469.

6.Yan Zhao,Xuexi Tang,Xiaowei Zhao,You Wang*,Effect of various nitrogen conditions on population growth, temporary cysts and cellular biochemical compositions of Karenia mikimotoi,Plos One,12(2), (2017), e0171996.

Yirong Zhao, Xuexi Tang, Antonietta Quigg, Mengchen Lv, Yan Zhao*, The toxic 7.mechnisms of BDE-47 to the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana-a study based on multiple physiological processes, Aquatic Toxicology, 212, (2019), 20-27.

8.Yirong Zhao, Xuexi Tang, Fangyuan Qu, Mengchen Lv, Qian Liu, Jun Li, Luying Li, Bihan Zhang, Yan Zhao*, ROS-mediated programmed cell death (PCD) of Thalassiosira pseudonana under the stress of BDE-47, Environmental Pollution, 262 (2020), 114342.

9.Mengchen Lv, Xuexi Tang, Yirong Zhao, Jun Li, Bihan Zhang, Luying Li, Yongshun Jiang, Yan Zhao*, The toxicity, bioaccumulation and debromination of BDE-47 and BDE-209 in Chlorella sp. under multiple exposure modes, Science of The Total Environment, 723(2020), 138086.

10.Jun Li;  Xuexi Tang;  Kehou Pan;  Baohua Zhu;  Yun Li;  Xuebin Ma;  Yan Zhao*, The regulating mechanisms of CO2 fixation and carbon allocations of two Chlorella sp. strains in response to high CO2 levels, Chemosphere, 247(2020), 47: 125814.