Zhao Xue


Release time:2022-10-26

Number of views:20

1.Personal Profile

Name: Zhao Xue

Education: Doctor

Title: Associate Professor

Email: zhaoxue@ouc.edu.cn

Office telephone: 0532-82031936

2.Research direction

The research and development of marine active substances, the omics research and biological activity mining of sulfated polysaccharides/oligosaccharides and proteins/protein peptides from marine animals and plants, the research of their industrial production technology, and the development of marine health food, health products and cosmetics.

3. Research achievements

Presided over 3 NSFC and national marine public welfare industry projects, 3 provincial projects, 4 horizontal projects, and participated in 6 NSFC and national key R&D programs. Winner of Qingdao Outstanding Youth Science and Technology Award. The research achievements won 4 provincial and ministerial awards. More than 20 SCI and EI articles were published, and 8 national invention patents were authorized.

Zizhe An, Zhaohui Zhang, Xue Zhao, et al. Oligosaccharide mapping analysis by HILIC-ESI-HCD-MS/MS for structural elucidation of fucoidan from sea cucumber Holothuria floridana.  Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 275, 118694

Juanmei Luo, Zhan Wang, Xue Zhao, et al. A comparative study of different fucoidan from Laminaria japonica on the cefoperazone-induced gut microbiota disturbance and intestinal inflammation.  Food & Function, 2021,12, 9087-9097.