Zhang Zhengyang


Release time:2022-10-26

Number of views:16

1.Personal Profile

Name: Zhang Zhengyang

Education: Doctor

Title: Lecturer

Tel.: 15192693475

Email: zhangzhengyang@ouc.edu.cn

2.Research direction

Differential Equations and Dynamic Systems, Biomathematics, Population Dynamics

3.Research results

research project:

Qualitative Research and Application of a Class of State Dependent Delay Differential Equation Systems, NSFC Youth Science Fund Program, 12101580222.01-2024.12, presided over.

Central manifold and normal type theory of semi linear abstract Cauchy problem with almost sector operator and its application, International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 11811530272, 2018.01-2020.12, participated.

Scientific papers:

[1] Yi-Ming Tai,Zhengyang Zhang* (2021),Relaxation oscillations in a spruce-budworm interaction model with Holling's type II functional response, Discrete andContinuousDynamicalSystems -SeriesB 26(4), 2173-2199.

[2] Je-Chiang Tsai,Zhengyang Zhang* (2020),Curvature effect on asymptotic profiles of spiral curves,Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 413, Article132657.

[3]Pierre Magal*, Zhengyang Zhang (2018), A system of state-dependent delay differential equation modeling forest growth I: semiflow properties, Journal of Evolution Equations 18(4), 1853-1888.