Wang Peng


Release time:2022-10-25

Number of views:33

1.Personal Profile

Name: Wang Peng

Education: Doctor

Title: Associate Professor


2.Teaching course

Experiment skill training

3.Experiment skill training

Metabolism and Cycle of Marine Organic Carbon and Sulfur Involved by Marine Microorganisms

4.Research results

Representative papers:

Bai-LuTang#,JieYang#,Xiu-LanChen#,PengWang#,et al.A predator-prey interaction between a marine Pseudoalteromonas sp.and Gram-positive bacteria. , Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1): 285.

PengWang,Xiu-LanChen,Chun-YangLi,et al.Structural and molecular basis for the novelcatalytic mechanism and evolution of DddP, an abundant peptidase-like bacterialDimethylsulfoniopropionate lyase:a new enzyme from an old fold, MolecularMicrobiology, 2015, 98(2): 289-301.(3) PengWang#,Hai-YanCao#,Xiu-LanChen, et al.Mechanisticinsight into acrylatemetabolism and detoxification in marinedimethylsulfoniopropionate-catabolizing bacteria,Molecular Microbiology, 2017,105(5): 674-688.