Fu Xiaoting


Release time:2022-10-25

Number of views:23

1.Personal Profile

Name: Fu Xiaoting

Education: Doctor

Title: Associate Professor

Office telephone: 0532-82032182

Email: xiaotingfu@ouc.edu.cn

2.Teaching course

Experiment skill training

3.Experiment skill training

Biological processing of seaweed resources: Agars with different gel strengths and electroosmotic values have important applications in food, medicine, chemical industry and other fields. At present, alkali pretreatment and chemical separation methods are commonly used to remove sulfur agar from agar to improve the gel strength of agar. The technology of enzymatic controllable removal of agar sulfate was initiated, and the theory of enzymatic desulfurization of agar was established. It has important application value in the preparation of agar with different gel strengths and electroosmotic values. Development of seaweed functional substances: Polysaccharides, polyphenols, pigments and other substances in seaweeds have special biological activities that terrestrial plants do not have. At present, research can realize the purification, preparation and structure research of polyphenols, algin, fucoidan, agar oligosaccharides, galactose sulfate and other substances with different structures, and establish a cell and zebrafish model evaluation platform for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune regulation and other activities. The study of seaweed functional substances provides a theoretical basis for its application in health food and cosmetics.

4.Research results

Representative papers:


