Activity | The sharing meeting for postgraduate entrance examination, guarantee and research of Haide College was successfully held!


Release time:2022-10-17

Number of views:61

One lamp can be used to transmit all the lights, and all the lights will be bright. In order to help students understand the different paths of postgraduate entrance examination and research guarantee, so that they can better make future plans and clear the direction of progress and goals, Haide College held an experience sharing meeting for postgraduate entrance examination and research guarantee in Classroom 2505 of the teaching area at 18:30 on October 9, 2022, which was hosted by Teacher Fan Qianhui.


Liu Gexing

Liu Gexing, an elder sister, went from the biological science major of our school to the frontier interdisciplinary research institute of Peking University as a direct doctor. She suggested that students actively participate in clubs, competitions, scientific research activities, etc. that they were interested in during their undergraduate years. In a word, they knew their joy and indulged in the journey. In addition, she suggested that students should be good at collecting information, screening and using information to help themselves make the best choice when taking the postgraduate entrance examination.

Tu Xin

Mr. Tu Xin successfully went to the School of Food to study for a master's degree through the research guarantee policy of Ocean University of China. He told the students that they must choose the fields they are interested in and understand what they want to do before they can move forward bravely and not be afraid of danger. In addition, the seniors introduced the corresponding application guides to students in detail from three ways, namely, recommended free examination, innovative talents and unified examination, and listed the enrollment of postgraduates in the past three years, making the way for students present to take the postgraduate entrance examination and ensure their research more clear.

Teng Xiaoyu

Teng Xiaoyu, an elder sister who was promoted from a foreign school to Ocean University of China, highlighted the long-term preparation and summer camp experience of the promotion, and told students to pay attention to the different assessment characteristics of the test oriented school and prepare in advance. Here, the elder sister emphatically reminds students that in recent years, colleges and universities have paid more attention to the English level of freshmen. Students should strengthen their English learning and improve their ability to read English literature.

Liu Yu

Liu Yu entered the University with the first place in the postgraduate entrance examination. He suggested that students pay attention to the improvement of soft power such as basic quality, logical ability, professional quality and research potential, make plans early, deliver more and try more. In addition, the senior introduced his way of preparing for the exam to the students, emphasizing the importance of preparing for professional courses and mathematics classes. The mountain of books is high and tenacious, and there is a way to the sky. The sea of learning is deep and hard, and you can find the treasure gate. You should stick to writing questions on the way to preparing for the exam, and don't give up easily.


The outstanding achievements and rich experience of seniors and sisters can not be separated from their daily accumulation and efforts. Students should learn from the valuable experience of seniors and sisters, make plans early, accumulate, and forge ahead!