Shi Yanyue


Release time:2022-06-16

Number of views:19

1.Personal Profile

Name: Shi Yanyue

Education background: doctoral candidate

Title: Associate Professor


2. Teaching course

Functions of Real Variables, Functional Analysis

3. Research direction

Functional analysis, operator theory, operator theory on function space

4.Research results

research project:

1. Toeplitz operator and Hankel operator on Bergman type space (11201438), NSFC Youth Fund Program, 2013.01-2015.12, hosted by

2. Research on Toeplitz operator, Hankel operator and related sequence (BS2012SF031), Shandong Provincial Award Fund for Outstanding Young and Middle aged Scientists, 2012.07-2014.12, hosted by

Research papers:

1. Y Lu, Y Shi, Hyponormal Toeplitz operators on the weighted Bergman space, Integral Equations Operator Theory,2009,65(1):115-129.

2. X Tang, C Gu, Y Lu and Y Shi, Reducing subspaces for the product of a forward and a backward operator-weighted shifts. Journal of Mathematical Analysis andApplications,2021,501(2):125206.

3. Kou Ruibo, Shi Yanyue, Xu Xiaoping, Reduced Subspace of Weighted Shift Operator on Weighted Hardy Space [J], Chinese Science, 2022,52 (4), 415-432