Zhao Yuanzhang


Release time:2022-06-16

Number of views:30

1.Personal Profile

Name: Zhao Yuanzhang

Education: Doctor

Title: Associate Professor

Office telephone: 66787233

Email: zhaoyz@ouc.edu.cn

2.Teaching course 

Mathematical analysis

3. Research direction

Nonlinear functional analysis

4.Research results

1). Blow up of any positive initial 3-variable solution in a class of Kirchhoff type wave equation with multiple different sign source terms by Zhao Yuanzhang and Wang Qingping Journal of Ocean University of China 48 (2018) 232-236

2). Zhao Yuanzhang, Ma Xiangru, Blow up Analysis of Solutions to a Class of Nonlocal Reaction Diffusion Equations with Variable Diffusion Coefficients, Journal of Mathematical Physics 38A (2018) 750-769

3) .Zhao Yuanzhang, Shi Mingyu and a class of fourth order membrane equations with logarithmic nonlinear terms New blasting results Applied Mathematics 2021,34 (2): 374-384