Yu Fanqianhui


Release time:2022-06-16

Number of views:47

1. Personal Profile

Name: Yu Fanqianhui

Education: Doctor

Title: Assistant Professor

Office telephone: 0532-66787299

Email: yufanqianhui@ouc.edu.cn

2.Teaching course

Nutrition I and II, Sensory Evaluation of Food, Scientific Literacy

3.Research direction

High value utilization of marine functional oil and the application of artificial intelligence in the food field

4.Research results

Representative papers:

Fanqianhui Yu, Tao Lu, Baokun Han, Changhu Xue. A quantitative study of aggregation behaviour and integrity of spray-dried microcapsules using three deep convolutional neural networks with transfer learning. Journal of Food Engineering. 2021, 300, 110515.

Fanqianhui Yu, Changhu Xue, Zhingbing Zhang. Mechanical characterization of fish oil microcapsules by a micromanipulation technique. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2021, 144, 111194.

Tao Lu, Fanqianhui Yu*, Changhu Xue, Baokun Han. Identification, classification, and quantification of three physical mechanisms in oil-in-water emulsions using AlexNet with transfer learning. Journal of Food Engineering. 2021, 288, 110220.