Zhang Ziye


Release time:2022-06-16

Number of views:30

1. Personal Profile

Name: Zhang Ziye

Education: Doctor

Title: Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor

Office telephone: 0532-82032389

Email: zhangziye@ouc.edu.cn

2.Teaching course 

Food quality and regulations

3. Research direction

The research direction is food safety and health. The main research contents include food allergen desensitization technology, antiallergic active substances and antiallergic mechanism, protein glycosylation and advanced glycosylation end products (AGEs), etc.

4.Research results

Representative projects:

1. NSFC Program: Molecular Mechanism of Typical AGEs in Maillard Reaction to Regulate the Sensitization of Shrimp Tropomyosin (Program No.: 32102091), 2022.1-2024.12, in research, in charge

2. Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province: molecular mechanism of destruction of shrimp tropomyosin epitope and desensitization based on Maillard reaction (project No.: ZR2021QC086), 2022.1-2024.12, under research, hosted

Representative papers:

1. Ziye Zhang, Xiu-Min Li, Zhenxing Li, Hong Lin. Investigation of glycated shrimp tropomyosin as hypoallergen for potential immunotherapy. Food & Function, 2021, 12:2750-2759.

2. Ziye Zhang, Xiu-Min Li, Hang Xiao, Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn, Peng Zhou. IgE-binding epitope mapping of tropomyosin allergen (Exo m 1) from Exopalaemon modestus, the freshwater Siberian prawn. Food Chemistry, 2020, 309:125603.

3. Ziye Zhang, Xiu-Min Li, Hang Xiao, Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn, Peng Zhou. Insight into the allergenicity of shrimp tropomyosin glycated by functional oligosaccharides containing advanced glycation end products. Food Chemistry, 2020, 302:125348.