Tang Qingjuan


Release time:2022-06-16

Number of views:36

1.Personal Profile

Name: Tang Qingjuan

Education background: doctoral candidate

Title: Professor

Office telephone: 0532-82032597

Email: tangqingjuan@ouc.edu.cn

2.Teaching course 

Nutrition I, Introduction to Human Physiology

3.Research direction

Nutritional efficacy of marine active substances and precise nutritional regulation of specific populations

4.Research results

Scientific research projects presided over:

1. National key research and development plan, prevention and control technology of chemical hazards in food and its safety evaluation, Topic 5 - Development of food pollutant removal technology and high-value utilization technology of contaminated food, 2020-2022, under research.

2. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on the Mechanism of Curcumin Photodynamic Retarding the Lipid Deterioration Process of Oysters, 2019-2022, in progress.

3. Key research and development plan of Shandong Province, research and development of compound food of seaweed and fruit and vegetable extracts that can reduce blood sugar and blood lipid, 2019-2021, under research.

Representative articles:

1. Wanxiu Cao, Robert W. Li, Yaoxian Chin, Yuming Wang, Changhu Xue, and Qingjuan Tang*. Transcriptome analysis reveals the protective role of fructo-oligosaccharide in colonic mucosal barriers in exercise-induced stressed mice. Food & Function, 2021, 12, 4484-4495.

2. Lirong Zhang, Wanxiu Cao, Yuan Gao, Ruili Yang, Xu Zhang, Jie Xu and Qingjuan Tang*. Astaxanthin (ATX) enhances the intestinal mucosal functions in immunodefificient mice. Food & Function, 2020, 11, 3371-3381.