Gao Shan


Release time:2022-06-16

Number of views:49

1.Personal Profile

Name: Gao Shan

Education background: doctoral candidate

Title: Professor

Telephone: 0532-82031935


2.Teaching course 

molecular biology

3.Research direction

Using Tetrahymena monocytogenes as the main model material, we studied the regulatory enzyme system and genetic mechanism of DNA N6 adenine methylation, as well as the cooperative regulatory mechanism of replication transcription conflict.

4.Research results

National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars

National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars

National Ten Thousand Talents Plan

Yuanyuan Wang, Yalan Sheng, Yongqiang Liu, Wenxin Zhang, Ting Cheng, Lili Duan, Bo Pan, Yu Qiao, Yifan Liu, Shan Gao* (2019). A distinct class of eukaryotic MT-A70 methyltransferases maintain symmetric DNA N6-adenine methylation at the ApT dinucleotides as an epigenetic mark associated with transcription. Nucleic Acids Research, 47, 11771-11789.

Jing Xu, Xiaolu Zhao, Fengbiao Mao, Venkatesha Basrur, Beatrix Ueberheide, Brian T. Chait, C. David Allis, Sean D. Taverna, Shan Gao*, Wei Wang*, Yifan Liu* (2021). A Polycomb repressive complex is required for RNAi-mediated heterochromatin formation and dynamic distribution of nuclear bodies. Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, 49, 5407-5425. 2021 NAR breakthrough article

Xiaolu Zhao, Jie Xiong, Fengbiao Mao, Yalan Sheng, Xiao Chen, Lifang Feng, Wen Dui, Wentao Yang, Aurelie Kapusta, Cedric Feschotte, Rebert s. Coyne, Wei Miao, Shan Gao*, Yifan Liu* (2019). RNAi-dependent Polycomb repression controls transposable elements in Tetrahymena. Genes & Development, 33, 348-364