Yang Xiuxia


Release time:2022-06-16

Number of views:34

1.Personal Profile

Name: Yang Xiuxia

Education background: doctoral candidate

Title: Associate Professor

Office telephone: 0532-85906576

Email: xxyang@ouc.edu.cn

2.Teaching course

Cell Biology, Cell Biology Experiment

3.Research direction

Regulation of organ formation and regeneration in ascidians

4.Research results

Projects under research

Research on the role and function of extracellular matrix in morphogenesis and homeostasis maintenance of luminal organs (2019YFE01 90900), supported by the National Key R&D Program, 2020.1.1-2022.12.31

publish one’s thesis

WX Yue, JH Qiao, XX Yang, Bo Dong. Tissue-specific expression of an actin

encoding gene regulated by Six12 in Ciona savignyi. J OCEAN U CHINA. two thousand and twenty-one

Fan Yuping, Yang Xiuxia. Research progress and prospect on cytological process and its regulation mechanism of ascidian regeneration. Chinese Journal of Cell Biology 2021, 43(3).