Guo Cui

Biotechnology 1


Release time:2021-01-23

Number of views:177

1. Personal Profile

Name: Guo Cui 

Education: PhD

Title: Associate Professor

Office phone: none


Class: Academic headteacher of the class 1 of Biotechnology2020


2. Teaching Course 



3. Research Direction

Engaged in biological oceanography and marine microplankton ecology related research, the main content includes:

1) Marine microplankton community structure, physiological ecology, nutritional relationship growth dynamics and regulation mechanism;

2) Aerosol deposition and other environmental changes and human The impact of activities on marine microplankton

3) Physiological and ecological research on marine cyanobacteria and phages


4. Research Results

Undertake the project

1) National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Project, 41906126, Investigation on the evolution characteristics of phytoplankton communities in the East China Sea under the background of East Asian aerosol deposition, 2020.01-2022.12, project leader

2) National Key Research and Development Program, 2018YFC1406704, Development of New Polar Microbial Bioproducts and Evaluation of Its Application Potential, 2018.8-2021.12, member of the research team

3) The Key Laboratory of Tropical Marine Biological Resources and Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly funded an open project, Research on the Response Mechanism of Marine Bacteria to Aerosol Deposition in East Asia, 2019.4-2021.4, project leader

4) The Young Talents Project Startup Fund of Ocean University of China, 2018-2021, project leader

5) EU enclosure experiment project The impact of atmospheric deposition on the microbial food web of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, 2013, Trainee


1.Zhang, N., Jiang, T., Guo, C.*, Qiao, L., Ji, Q., Yin, L., Yu, L., Murto, P.*, Xu, X.*, High- performance semitransparent polymer solar cells floating on water: Rational analysis of power generation, water evaporation and algal growth, Nano Energy, 2020, 105111.

2.Jiang, T., Guo, C.*, Wang, M., Wang, M., Zhang, X., Liu, Y.,... McMinn, A. (2020). Genome Analysis of Two Novel Synechococcus Phages That Lack Common Auxiliary Metabolic Genes: Possible Reasons and Ecological Insights by Comparative Analysis of Cyanomyoviruses. Viruses, 12, 800.

3.Jiang, T., Guo, C.*, Wang, M., Wang, M., You, S., Liu, Y.,... McMinn, A. (2020). Isolation and complete genome sequence of a novel cyanophage, S-B05, infecting an estuarine Synechococcus strain: insights into environmental adaptation. Archives of Virology, 165(6), 1397-1407.

4.Han, Y., Wang, M., Liu, Q., Liu, Y., Wang, Q., Duan, X.,... Guo, C*. (2019). Genome Analysis of Two Novel Lytic Vibrio maritimus Phages Isolated from the Coastal Surface Seawater of Qingdao, China. Current Microbiology, 76(10), 1225-1233.

5.Guo, C., Xia, X., Pitta, P., Herut, B., Rahav, E., Berman-Frank, I., et al. Shifts in microbial community structure and activity in the ultra-oligotrophic eastern Mediterranean sea driven by the deposition of Saharan dust and European aerosols. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2016, 3: 170.

6.Guo, C., Liu, H., Zheng, L., Song, S., Chen, B., Huang, B. Seasonal and spatial patterns of picophytoplankton growth, grazing and distribution in the East China Sea. Biogeosciences, 2014, 11: 1847–1862. 18 times

7.Guo, C., Liu, H.,Yu, J., Zhang, S., Wing, C. Role of microzooplankton grazing in regulating phytoplankton biomass and community structure in response to atmospheric aerosol input. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2014, 507 : 69–79.

8.Guo, C., Jing, H., Kong, L., Liu, H. Effect of East Asian aerosol enrichment on microbial community composition in the South China Sea.Journal of Plankton Research, 2013, 35(3):485–503 .

9.Guo, C., Yu, J., Ho, TY, Wang, L., Song, S., Kong, L., Liu, H. Dynamics of phytoplankton community structure in the South China Sea in response to the East Asian aerosol input. Biogeosciences, 2012, 9: 1519–1536.