Liu Zunyin

Food Science 1


Release time:2021-01-23

Number of views:83

1. Personal Profile

Name: Liu Zunying 

Education: PhD

Title: Professor

Office phone: 0532-82032400


Class: Academic headteacher of the class 1 of Food Science2020


2. Research Direction

1. New marine food processing technology focuses on the high-value utilization technology of fish, shrimp and shellfish by-products and the development of new products.

2. Aquatic product preservation theory and technology, focusing on the research and development of new technology for aquatic product preservation and biological preservatives;

3. Research Results

Presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of Study on the regulation mechanism of lactic acid bacteria quorum sensing AI-2/LuxS system on the structure and spoilage of frozen shrimp flora. Presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China The effective preparation, structure characterization and calcium absorption effect and mechanism of fish squamous protein peptide-calcium chelate.

As well as a number of provincial and ministerial projects, she applied for 23 national invention patents, authorized 18, published 121 research papers, 67 papers included in SCI, and published 3 textbooks.