Li Furong

Mathematics 2


Release time:2021-01-23

Number of views:149

1. Personal Profile

Name: Li Furong

Education: PhD

Title: Lecturer

Office phone: none


Class: Academic headteacher of the class 2 of Mathematics2020


2. Research Direction

Spatial statistics (analysis, modeling and calculation methods of spatial/temporal big data)


3. Research Results

Published papers:

1.Li, F. and H. Sang* (2019). Spatial Homogeneity Pursuit of Regression Coefficients for Large Datasets. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114, 1050-1062.

2.Li, F.* and H. Sang (2018). On approximating optimal weighted composite likelihood method for spatial models. Stat, 7, e194.

3.Li, F., H. Sang and Z. Jing* (2017). Quantify the Continuous Dependence of SST-Turbulent Heat Flux Relationship on Spatial Scales. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 6326– 6333.

Undertake project:

1.National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund (41906011), 2020.01-2022.12, presided over.

2.National Natural Science Foundation of China (61871354), 2019.01-2022.12, participation.