Liu Yi
Mathematics 3
Release time:2021-01-23
Number of views:117
1. Personal Profile
Name: Liu Yi
Education: PhD student
Title: Lecturer
Office phone: none
Class: Academic headteacher of the class 3 of Mathematics,2020
2. Research Direction
Statistical analysis of high-dimensional data, survival analysis
3. Research Results
1.Joint Variable Screening Research on Ultra-high Dimensional Case Cohort Data, 11801567, National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund, chair, 2019.01-2021.12.
2.Yi Liu, Xiaolin Chen, Gang Li* (2020). A new joint screening method for right-censored time-to-event data with ultra-high dimensional covariates. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 29(6), 1499-1513.
3.Yi Liu, Qihua Wang* (2018). Model free feature screening for ultrahigh-dimensional data conditional on some variables. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 70, 283-301.