Lu Kebo
Release time:2021-01-23
Number of views:94
1. Personal profile
Name: Lu Kebo
Education: PhD
Title: Lecturer
Office Phone:none
2. Teaching course
Statistical analysis and modeling
3. Research Direction
Applied Statistics
4. Research Results
1. Yulin Z, Maoxian Z, Jionglong S, et al. Novel Model for Cascading Failure Based on Degree Strength and Its Application in Directed Gene Logic Networks[J]. Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2018, 2018:8950794.
2. Dong, Yulin, Zhang, et al. Structural Compartson of Gene Relevance Networks for Breast Cancer Tissues in Different Grades[J]. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 2016.
3. Li C, Zhao H, Li H, Lv K. Statistical Models of Sea Surface Salinity in the South China Sea Based on SMOS Satellite Data[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2016.