Zhang Ning
Release time:2021-01-23
Number of views:68
1. Personal Profile
Name: Zhang Ning
Education: PhD
Title: Professor
Office Phone:none
Email: nzhang@ouc.edu.cn
2. Teaching course
Mathematical Analysis I, II
3. Research direction
Basic mathematics, infinite-dimensional complex analysis
4. Research results
1.Zhang, Holomorphic line bundles on the loop space of the Riemann sphere, J. Diff. Geom. 65 (2003) 1-17.
2.L. Lempert, N. Zhang, Dolbeault cohomology of a loop space, Acta Math. 193 (2004) 241-268.
3.Zhang, Holomorphic automorphisms of the loop space of ℙn, Commun. Anal. Geom. 25 (2017) 709–718.
4.Infinite dimensional complex analysis (10871002), National Natural Science Foundation of China, January 2009-December 2011, host.
5.Complex analysis in the mapping space, Research Startup Fund of Ocean University of China, May 2017-December 2019, Moderator.