Fan Yan


Release time:2021-01-23

Number of views:89

1.Personal profile

Name: Fan Yan 

Education: PhD

Title: Experimenter

Office phone: 0532-82031682



2.Teaching course 

Instrument Use and Experiment Specifications

3.Research Direction

The main research direction is food flavor chemistry, with aquatic product flavor chemistry as the starting point, using modern instrumental analysis, bioinformatics and other methods to solve key scientific issues in aquatic chemistry and processing. Hosted/participated in more than 20 projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China; published more than 30 academic articles; formulated 1 national standard; authorized 8 national invention patents; won the first prize of scientific and technological progress of China Federation of Commerce and the first prize of scientific and technological progress of universities in Shandong Province Awards etc.


4. Research Results

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on the mechanism of heat-induced Antarctic krill characteristic flavor formation, presided over, under research.

2. Yan Fan, Lili Tian, Yong Xue, Zhaojie Li, Hu Hou*, Changhu Xue*. Characterization of protease and effects of temperature and salinity on the biochemical changes during fermentation of Antarctic krill. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2017, 97: 3546–3551.