Meng Xianghong


Release time:2021-01-23

Number of views:110

1. Personal Profile

Name: Meng Xianghong 

Education: Postgraduate

Title: Professor

Office phone: 82032093



2. Teaching course 

Introduction to Food Science and Engineering

Structural Biochemistry


3. Research Direction

Natural antibacterial substance screening and application basis, fruit and vegetable nutrition and processing, micro-nano packaging and delivery of fruit and vegetable nutritional factors.


4. Research Results

1. National key research and development project, new technology and product development of high-quality aquatic product biological processing, 2020-2022, in research;

2. National key research and development project, research and equipment development of key technology and equipment for the quality and quality control of fruits and vegetables after harvest, 2016-2020, in research;

3. Su ZW, Han QM, Zhang F, Meng XH*, Liu BJ*. Preparation, characterization and antibacterial properties of 6-deoxy-6-arginine modified chitosan. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 230:115635.2.

4. Zhang J, Zhang F, Li DR, Liu YC, Liu BJ, Meng XH*. Characterization of metabolite profiles of white and green spears of Asparagus officinalis L from Caoxian, East China. Food Research International, 2020, 128: 108869.3.

5. Zhang L,Han CL,Liu M,Yang H, Zhang F, Liu BJ*, Meng XH*. The formation, stability of DHA/EPA nanoemulsion prepared by emulsion phase inversion method and its application in apple juice. Food Research International , 2020, 133: 109132.4.