Zhu Liyan
Release time:2021-01-23
Number of views:97
1. Personal profile
Name: Zhu Liyan
Education: PhD
Title: Professor
Office phone: 13506391037
Email: lyzhu@ouc.edu.cn
2. Teaching course
General Biology
3. Research Direction
Marine zooplankton biology and ecology
4. Research results
Host project:
1) 16.1-19.12 Presided over and completed the general project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China: The impact of tetrabromobisphenol A on the population dynamics of dominant copepods in aquaculture sea area, project approval number: 31572621, 772,600 yuan
2) 12.1-15.12, presided over and completed the general project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China: Use the copepod generation culture system to study the impact of POPs pollution on the coastal ecosystem, the project approval number is 31172412, 630,000 yuan
Published papers:
1) Sun Yue, Shenyang, Dai Lingling, Zhao Wanting, Wu Yuejiao, Zhu Liyan (corresponding author). The zooplankton community structure and its influencing factors in the Yellow Sea in summer and winter. Journal of Ocean University of China (Natural Science Edition), 2020, 50(7): 082-093
2) Wen-jing Gong, Li-yan Zhu(Correspongding author), Tian-tian Jiang, Cui Han. The occurrence and spatial-temporaldistribution of Tetrabromobisphenol A in the coastal intertidal zone of Qingdao in China, with a focus on toxicity assessment by biological monitoring. Chemosphere 2017, 185: 462-467