Mao Yufeng
Release time:2021-01-23
Number of views:79
1. Personal profile
Name: Mao Yufeng
Education: PhD
Title: Senior Engineer
Office phone: 0532-82031711
2. Teaching Course
General Biology Experiment I
3. Research direction
1). Basic theory research on the occurrence and development of plant germ cells
2). Basic theory research on reproductive development of marine microalgae
Undertake courses:
Plant biology, Plant biology experiment, Plant biology practice
4. Research results
1). Participate in the 2021-2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Research on the Development Control of Tetrasporium of Asparagus vulgare Based on Ubiquitin Pathway; No. 32072953
2). Participated in the 2017-2020 Ministry of Agriculture's algae system Modern Agricultural Industrial Technology System-Algae System-Gracilaria Germplasm Collection and Breeding; number: CARS-50
Published papers (SCI)
Yufeng Mao, Li Guo, Yan Luo, Zhihong Tang, Wei Li, Wen Dong. 2020. Sexual reproduction potential implied by functional analysis of SPO11 in Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Gene, Volume 757, 144929