Know the Ocean, Apply the Knowledge

Academician Li Huajun gives lectures to 2020 undergraduates of Haide College


Release time:2020-09-24

Number of views:129

On September 20th, the 2020 Orientation Lecture of Haide College was held in the Lecture Hall of Ocean Science and Technology Building. Li Huajun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and vice president of Ocean University of China, was invited to give a lecture on ocean knowledge education for the 2020 freshmen of Haide College. The lecture was hosted by Qin Shanghai, Secretary of the Party Branch of Hyde College.

Li Huajun gave a brief and comprehensive introduction to the ocean from the perspective of nature and technology. He pointed out that whoever owns the ocean owns the world. This leads to the importance of the ocean in the trade of various countries and the fight for world status, and he thoroughly explained this issue in conjunction with Sino-US relations. At the same time, he combined current affairs news to guide the students to further understand the development status of my country in the marine field, and emphasized that our university has always adhered to the original aspiration and mission of seeking to help the country, and made outstanding achievements in understanding and managing the oceans. contribution. He emphasized that the country’s current demand for innovative talents, especially those in the marine field, is urgent. He hopes that the whole society will have a clearer understanding of the ocean, form a strong atmosphere of concern for the ocean, and promote education for everyone to understand the ocean, while being reasonable. Plan, utilize, develop and protect marine resources, integrate information and intelligence into marine science and technology, and initiate a new marine technological revolution.

Li Huajun interacted with the 2020 freshmen of Haide College and answered the questions raised by the students one by one. When answering freshmen’s questions on how to improve scientific literacy, he focused on discussing the relationship between the depth and breadth of learning. He believes that today’s society has increasingly higher requirements for interdisciplinary and integration, and a large number of high-level research results have effectively promoted the rapid development of the economy and society. However, while interdisciplinary integration is carried out, the In-depth study and research in the field, only when the breadth and depth of research and learning are organically combined and closely linked, can we create values that are more beneficial to the country and the nation on a higher and broader stage.

Academician Li Huajun encourages 2020 freshmen, hoping that everyone can turn knowledge into wisdom, apply what they have learned, and unite knowledge and action. He also hoped that students can make good use of college time, constantly improve their character, ensure health and personality, while setting life goals, keep in mind the original intention and mission of the country's prosperity, national rejuvenation, and people's happiness, and closely integrate personal ideals with national destiny. Life planning is linked to the needs of the country, and a new chapter of life is written in the process of realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Li Huajun’s lecture are in-depth, simple and meaningful, and extremely interesting and scientific. They not only enhanced the freshmen’s understanding of the ocean, but also aroused their expectations for future university life. The students benefited a lot and were deeply inspired. Believe that the students will be able to plan their university life reasonably, have their own strengths, show their strengths, and try their best to create a new world of university life.

Correspondent: Qingyu Zheng, Jinwen Wang

Picture: Xiaofan Zhou